Andrew Truman Joins Our Site Investigation & Remediation Group

Our site investigation and remediation group in Butler, New Jersey recently welcomed Andrew Truman, an environmental scientist with more than eight years of experience providing site investigation and remediation services. He is responsible for managing and implementing creative remediation techniques on large scale industrial sites, from bio-augmentation and remediation, in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO), and dipole-dipole resistivity (2D and 3D) to traditional excavation and pump and treat methods of remediation. Andrew has a broad range of project experience from preliminary site evaluations and underground storage tank (UST) closures to comprehensive subsurface investigation and remediation services (soil, vapor, and groundwater). He has also been responsible for the on‐site planning execution and management of anaerobic bioremediation injection programs that successfully treated soil and groundwater impacted by petroleum hydrocarbons as well as aromatic and chlorinated solvents at several commercial and industrial sites in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, and Connecticut. Andrew frequently works under the direction of LSRPs and has independently prepared a broad range of reports for Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments (ESAs), as well as remedial actions through final remedial action outcomes (RAOs) in compliance with the NJDEP’s technical requirements.


Andrew’s specific areas of expertise include the following:

  • Phase I and II environmental site assessments
  • Soil, sediment, vapor and groundwater delineation/remediation
  • UST removals and associated remediation
  • Remedial design
  • Treatment studies
  • Installation, operation, and maintenance of groundwater and vapor treatment systems
  • Soil and groundwater field screening
  • Risk-based cleanup alternatives
  • Remedial cost estimating
  • Site redevelopment

Andrew received a Bachelor’s in Environmental Studies from Rowan University. He is OSHA-certified and will be supporting First Environment’s site investigation and remediation projects in the New York/New Jersey region.