NEPA Compliance
First Environment is committed to helping clients evaluate the environmental impacts of their intended projects. Our team of experts comprises environmental scientists with more than 20 years of experience developing and supervising projects for various government and private sector clients. For federally funded projects, compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is required. To that end, our NEPA experts support the preparation of Environmental Impact Statements (EISs), Environmental Assessments (EAs), Categorical Exclusions (CEs) and environmental permit applications for projects in accordance with federal laws, including the Clean Water Act, the Endangered Species Act, the National Historic Preservation Act, and applicable state environmental laws throughout the country. For projects involving rulemaking for a national program, First Environment has prepared Programmatic EAs to evaluate the potential environmental impacts at a broad program scale. Resources that are typically evaluated in a NEPA document include but are not limited to: wetlands; floodplains; sole source aquifers; threatened and endangered species and their critical habitats; noise, air quality, cultural resources; coastal zones; aesthetics, hazardous materials; socioeconomic resources; and environmental justice. In addition, our team has extensive experience preparing impact evaluation studies for resiliency improvement projects in compliance with Floodplain Management Executive Order 11988.
Areas of Expertise:
- Environmental impact statements (EISs)
- Environmental assessments (EAs)
- Categorical exclusions (CEs)
- Individual and nationwide USACE permit applications
- Water quality certifications
- Mitigation plans
- Project scoping
- Coordination with client and agency representatives